There are hundreds of thousands of movies to choose from, but only a fraction you'd enjoy. Typically, you must either take your chances on a hasty selection, or spend too much time making a good decision. Movie-Mine aims to help you make faster, better choices about which movies to watch, and which to avoid.
If you are a discriminating viewer, no single film review site is enough. Movie-Mine isn't a substitute for other movie sites - it's a tool for using them more efficiently. To that end, Movie-Mine provides an easy way to gather tidbits of information from diverse sources, and attach your notes to pages about movies you're considering. This enables you to transform movie selection into a gradual process, which you can return to at your convenience. The quality of your choices is improved, because it becomes more manageable to give careful consideration to many candidates without rushing to a decision. You waste less time, because you avoid replicating your previous efforts. Movie-Mine doesn't bombard you with obnoxious advertising. You get basic facts and links to related pages on other reputable sites, concisely presented and occasionally spiced up with relevant graphics.
Having fun is serious business. No one wants to waste his time watching mediocre movies or wading through bloated review sites. Let Movie-Mine help you discover good movies with less effort, so you can spend more of your time enjoying them!
Howdy, folks! I gave up a cushy job as Professor of Courtesy Sciences at the Refreshingness Institute to take on this distinguished position at Movie-Mine. So you can rest assured that I'm heavily into personal sacrifice for your benefit. I don't like no stinkin' anime, but I'll fight to the death for your right to watch that crap!
I use a 1 - 99 scale for rating movies from worst to best. It's an absolute scoring system, to allow for the possibility that I may someday see something better (or worse) than anything I've ever seen before. The following is a rough translation of my numerical scores to plain English, skipping over unnamed intermediate values:
For the past few years I've been rating movies on this 2-digit scale, displayed as Rusty's rating on various Movie-Mine pages for individual titles. Under the Recommended menu is my list of highly recommended movies, rated 78 or higher (meaning very good or better). I've also assembled a secondary list of more recommended movies, rated 76 - 77, which are still better that just plain "good". If you don't see a rating from me, it doesn't necessarily mean I haven't seen it or it isn't worthy. I've seen quite a few really good movies that belong on one of these lists but haven't been incorporated, because my memory of them is too "rusty" to assign an accurate 2-digit rating.